Isnin, Disember 9

A Letter To Allah S.W.T...

Assalamualaikum w.b.t....
Dear Allah,
If this hardship is a test, let me pass it. And if there’s a lesson i’m meant to learn, don’t let me miss it. And if my heart must be broken, let me put it back together with pieces of Your love. You are The Giver, the Most Gracious, Most Merciful. If the whole world were to be against me and You remain with me... i would have the whole world in my palm. But if you were away from me and the whole world remain distant... i would have nothing and be certainly lost...
Dear Allah,
You are closer than my jugular vein. Only You are capable of mending my pain. I ask for Your mercy and love Your hardships are but a purification of my soul, give me the wings i need, so i can fly... To You, we belong and to You, we shall return... Help me find Jannah and keep me away from hell’s burn.

Dear Allah,
You have given me so much in this life... So much that i don’t deserve yet i am ungrateful if You may give me more, give me that which i need. Not that which i want for, You know what is better for my soul. My heart burns for Your grace like a coal, give me Strength, give me Hope, Give me Faith... 

Dear Allah,
You are my night and day... Make me one of your faithful knights. So my heart, my ride courageously in battle And when the day turns into night And the night turns into day, i may gaze upon your beauty... My face lit up like the moon, Eyes illuminating like the sun, My hair free like the clouds. Please don’t let me go astray. Only you can show me the way...

Dear Allah,
I have kept all my trust on You... I know even if the whole universe leaves me, You will always be there with me... Don't let me go far from You... And please end this suffering, please give my love, my life back to me.. You know how difficults it is living without a life.. Please forgive my sins and bless my parents... Thank you for everything, Allah... I miss you... Hope to see You soon !!! InsyaAllah...

From :Ros Eznieza Binti Razali...

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