Isnin, Disember 9


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I love you  Aina Najwa .....
you just an ....

 Love can not be forced and love do not come overnight. Love like stars in the sky there. Too many beautiful luminous but only one will be a nightmare devotees . 
Regulation love to say that wee can lov anyone else . Why ? Because love is ours. No one who can kill the love that grows even by those we love it! That's the first rule of love! 
Love is only a feeling . If diupam feeling , emotion -laden , then sprout , bloom and rendanglah it . But , if ignored , left unchecked, will surely wither and dry . Love is more than just a feeling . If one control , it could be a disease . 

God knows our heart . Lord hear our complaint . If we do not forget him , he did not forget us . In her hand is 'key' . And , we have the option to get the key or not . 
Sometimes, we overlook that God arranges everything. Perhaps He wants us to meet other people, better for us and provide a better person to those we love . 
In life, not everything we want is that we can and sometimes we have to sacrifice your heart and feelings . Especially for feelings of others. 
Sometimes God sent down a thunderbolt and lightning , we cry to find where the loss of the sun , apparently God wanted to give us a rainbow . 
Sometimes , we do not get what we deserve. Then , we blame fate for being so upset . While we do not realize , what we get is better than what we expected . 
It's true that we do not know what we've got until we lose it . But also true, that we do not know yet what we have until we get it. 
Is it true that love is a beautiful thing ? Is it true that every lover lovers will long remember though love is not there for to accompany him every time? 

And this proves that people say love is blind . Love does not need sunlight to reflect on the way that lovers although the road is very difficult and complicated . Light enough hearts to illuminate everything. 

Love is a wonderful and unique gift from God. We are given the opportunity to evaluate it and taking the opportunities given its best to create a beautiful love running . Beautiful as when it was created .Love is strange . Difficult to interpret. Comes not from coercion , it goes hand involuntarily . Love is full of friendly affection . It should be caressed with tenderness to brighten the beauty. Roughness can create a separation . 

Sometimes people forget , love is conditional sidelines of marital life. In fact , without love , the marriage will die , like an empty house with no occupants . 
It may be true when we lose then we realize . It may be true when we hurt that we understand. It may be true when we feel a very deep longing that we know how big a meaning and significance for us . 

Love ... If you have it , you do not need anything else. And if you do not have it , no matter what else you do not have much meaning . 

If we lose love , there is reason behind it . The reason that it is sometimes difficult to be understood . But be assured that when He takes something , have him prepare for something better to be had. 

Love between two souls were said to burn the spirit of a person to keep a noble , improve interaction with humans and keep courtesy and keperibadiaan . In addition, it is also believed to be able to get rid of the fear and terror in the heart, clear the mind and cleanse the soul. But , love is also a test , temptation and attempt to humans because it is a battle between reason and judgment and taste. 
And if the love is a sacrifice , why not a full stop a sacrifice of love ? Assuming that the price of a suffering love, why love it more and more difficult for belonging ? Love is like a crystal city , beautiful in sight , the agony of feeling .... 
Love can not be viewing each other , but looking outward together in the same direction . 
IS there a light that we can hold and will always burn even when the night is dark and still will illuminate distant places like our own light . It is the love of all that is alive . 
Fell in love with a man who is still in the process of mourning the loss of a loved one , has never been an easy one to those affected spared . 
WHEN the heart of the open door , no need to feel romantic candlelight splashed or kneel while staring into the eyes to express the pent . Everything else will come personally and understood from a noble heart to accept the proposal from the beloved . 
Love , love or loved one that is common nature of man. The right to love and accept depends on the individual . The choice is up to us , if the choice is based on the results definitely blessed religion , and if based on lust will surely thrust into the valley of humiliation. 
LOVE is a bunch of timeless beliefs . And true love would mean release of loved ones fly freely into his world . 'If you are sure you will come back mine warms our love . 
IF you are not loved by someone you love , consider it an honor for yourself but return the honor by way of sincere and jujur.Jangan not take advantage and do not hurt . 

Love is a great feeling . If the love is gone, meaning one of the grace of God has been removed from the heart, one sign of humanity in you start to erode. It requires great sacrifice while capitalizing on sincerity and honesty.WHO is no love lost human motivation is internal . Love should produce actions that symbolizes tenderness , love and wisdom , especially in decision-making in relation to a very lovable man . Love is a vehicle to happiness. Pure love is always capable driver, owner surpassed all barriers to excellence . Love can make people wake up to build the best life . 

What a foolish man who makes love to build hardship in the future. If love is manifested in yourself , it's so motivating. If given to someone is like giving him a gold mountain . As embodied in the household , the answer is a lasting harmony and understanding . Pure love is the catalyst for a life full of happiness . As it begins in the heart, love should last till the end of life . 
LOVE that really should make a sincere mature owners , believe and integrity. If the opposite happens , it's a sign that it's not true love you are looking for. 

If there are ten people who 
 care towards you , then it's definitely one of them is me. If there is only one concerned over you, then of course that person is me. And if no one else wants to take the weight against another , then that means I am no longer in this world. 
one not guarantee he will return your love . Do not expect love in return , just wait until the love growing in his heart , but if not , blessed as love grows in your heart . 

Express love and vows that simple . Deliver the love and allegiance that difficult . Love and broken vow for serious human . 
A bright future is always dependent on a forgotten past . You can not continue to live well if you do not forget failure and heartache in the past. 
Just take a minute to say what a person , an hour to like someone and a day to love someone . But it takes a lifetime to forget someone . 
The first is not necessarily the best , the best is usually the last one. But a memorable was the first, while the latter remains to be asked . 
Love also is not how you forget about him when he does wrong , but how you forgive , not how you listen but how you understand, not what you see, but what you feel , not how you let go , but how did you survive .....

I love you with all sincerity ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Aina Najwa ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

by khairulmuslim hassan

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