Khamis, Jun 11

The holiday village (Kuala Terengganu)


extra classes at school


  • at 12:00 noon I came to take my family in village school to return and depart from school at 1.00 pm
  • during the way mama decided to make a birthday party for my nephew and we discuss
  • in the evening at 4.00 we got a war to grandma's house and the maker of fun
  • at night and my family we went to the mosque to read the surah Yasin on malam nisfu sya'ban


  • at 5 .00 am I in shock by the mother to sahaur and fasted on that day
  • at noon with my father went to buy things for the evening ceremony
  • Our evening family willing to put up balloons and packing houses for masjis night and prepare for break the fast
  • night after 'Isha prayers people started coming to the house and began with a cake cutting the ceremony